Join Napa Valley Vegan on the Napa Valley Film Festival Red Carpet!

Jessica Savitch with her beloved dog Chewy.

When I was about 10 years old, my hero was a news broadcaster named Jessica Savitch. She was not only beautiful but was interesting enough that a child looked forward to seeing her nightly news break every evening. In fact, because of her, I wanted to be a newscaster when I grew up. This was a very long time ago when media wasn’t 24/7 and my TV actually went off the air at midnight! Time went by and as I grew up, I saw her less on television until I forgot about her and my desire to be a newscaster.

Jessica Savitch with her beloved dog Chewy.
Jessica Savitch with her beloved dog Chewy.

Years later I was heartbroken to learn that she had died in a freak car accident when she was only in her mid 30s. I went on to work many different jobs and had a career in real estate for about 10 years before I finally got up the nerve to start my blog and write. It has been a busy and rewarding 15 months since this all began. When I started I had no idea what direction it would take me (and still don’t) but was ready to go for it and follow wherever it led! Well, this year, I will be attending the 5th anniversary of the Napa Valley Film Festival as part of the press. Not only will I be attending as many sneak preview screenings as I can pack into 5 days, partying at the Gala and the after parties, and searching for vegan-friendly dining options but I will be standing on the red carpet interviewing celebrities. Now it is not very likely that I will be standing next to Billy Bush with Access Hollywood, in fact the online press is usually at the very end of the line. And, if I am very lucky, I will be allowed to ask each celebrity one question (don’t worry though – if I only get to ask one, I’ll make sure it’s a good one!). But when I found out that my application for the press pass had been approved, all of those wonderful memories of dreaming that I would be the next Jessica Savitch came flooding back. I am excited, nervous and thrilled that 36 years later, I finally get to do possibly the job I was always meant to do – research, investigate and share what I learn with the people!


The Festival runs from Wednesday, November 11th through Sunday, November 15th. Please join me there – I will be on the red carpet interviewing Master Sommeliers Fred Dame, Ian Cauble and Brian McClintic and our local wine expert DLynn Proctor from the film SOMM: Into the Bottle; interviewing the Festival Gala talent which includes actors Emilie de Ravin, Keegan-Michael Key, Evan Peters, Xander Berkeley, and many more;  attending the Celebrity Tribute honoring John Travolta, Keegan-Michael Key, Evan Peters, Finn Wittrock, Lydia Hearst, and Zoe Kazan; and cheering for the Festival winners at the Awards Ceremony. Sprinkled into all of that I will be interviewing the director of the film Honeyglue, James Bird, star/producer Adriana Mather and producer/composer Anya Remizova. All proud vegans! As co-owners of Zombot Pictures they also offer organic and vegan food on their sets regardless of the additional expense. We are going to have so much to talk about! I’m also excited to chat with Kristin Wallace, the star of Moments of Clarity who is a huge animal lover and animal welfare advocate. As a Mom of 2 dogs and 2 cats, she and I will have plenty to

logodiscuss as well!I hope to see you at the Festival! If you can’t make it be sure to follow my adventures on Facebook and Twitter. And I look forward to sharing all of my exciting adventures with you in my next blog post! A big thanks for following my antics and allowing me to finally honor all that Jessica Savitch meant to me. And as always…eat, drink, be vegan…and watch lots of movies!!

Tags: #NVFF15, Access Hollywood, animal welfare advocates, Billy Bush, Honeyglue, Jessica Savitch, Master Sommelier, Moments of Clarity, movie screenings, Napa Valley Film Festival, Napa Valley Film Festival 2015, SOMM: Into the Bottle, vegan filmmakers

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