Bringing Vegan Doughnuts to Napa Valley!

You may remember about a year ago when Sam Kang opened up his new doughnut shop Vegan Donut Gelato in Modesto, California. I admit it, I have never been to Modesto so what do I know? However, in the 6 years I’ve lived in Northern California not once has Modesto come up in conversation as being the next vegan hotspot. Of course, none of this dampened my excitement because seeing the words vegan…donut…gelato in a sentence is bound to make any vegan’s day a whole light brighter! And if a vegan doughnut shop can make its debut in Modesto it seemed that it could happen anywhere, even in a place like Napa! Then just a few months later in August, they opened their second location in Oakland, a city that is quickly surpassing San Francisco & Berkeley as the new vegan Capitol of the Bay Area. And within a few months of opening the Oakland store, word was bouncing around the vegan community that their doughnuts were being offered at 1700 Sonoma Boulevard at the Java Jax coffee shop in Vallejo. Though Java Jax does not carry the full doughnut & gelato menu, it is a huge accomplishment that they brought these delicious morsels of compassion to North Bay. And with a quick phone call to David, you can place a custom order for any of the doughnuts offered by Vegan Donut Gelato and pick them up at the coffee shop! In less than one year, vegan doughnuts have taken over the S.F. Bay Area. Oh, but it gets even better. Recently I received a message through Facebook from Anthony, a vegan baker for Vegan Donut Gelato. The great news he shared with me is that they plan to find a space here in Napa Valley to offer these delectable goodies! And they don’t need much…a display case, coffee and a few tables. They aren’t even in need of a kitchen. Just a small space…about 500 square feet, a sink, good visibility and parking. I had the opportunity to chat with Sam recently and he is very excited to get the vegan message (via his delicious doughnuts) into Napa Valley! So here is what I ask of you my loyal readers. Let’s find Sam and his Team a space to showcase their product! If you know of any retail space available; if YOU have some space you can offer that would fit the bill OR you know of anyone else who does, please let me know. Offering delicious vegan doughnuts is going to be our way of finally knocking down that wall of flesh & dairy that Napa Valley has wrapped around itself. This is our opportunity! Let’s do this!

The Modesto bakery is located at 330 Needham Street and the Oakland bakery is located at 411 E. 18th Street. If you want to stay a bit closer to home, contact David at (707) 645-9556 to place your custom order for pick up at Java Jax in Vallejo. If you have any feedback on available space here in the Napa Valley that you think will work for Vegan Doughnut Gelato, do not hesitate to contact me ASAP! I can be reached at (919) 995-1445 or

After spending the last 6 years trying to make vegan the new normal here in Napa Valley, it feels fantastic to finally see a glowing vegan doughnut at the end of this long tunnel. Thanks for your help in making this a reality and as always…eat, drink and be vegan!

PS: Here are some great write ups about the delicious doughnuts by non-vegans that include a high school journalism studenta journalist from the Modesto Bee and the East Bay Express. Sam even got a mention in the VegNews!



Tags: #commercial real estate, #SamKang, #vegandonutgelato, #vegandoughnuts

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