This has been one epic week! My Mom came to visit for a week, Napa Valley Vegan starred in my first live streaming episode on Tout Suite Social Club, my Facebook page reached 100 Likes (thanks a bunch for that) and on Sunday I will be competing with fellow home and professional chefs for the best Vegan Sammich chef title!
I want to thank Dan Butler with Butler Foods who is generously providing me with a case of Soy Curls for the Sammich Throwdown. Because of his generosity and support, I will be able to compete and provide 150 tasting samples of my delicious Cheezy Herb ChickUN Salad to those attending and voting.

I also want to thank all of you that are following my blog whether it is through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ or right here on my website. You are all invited to join me on Sunday, September 28th from 2-5 p.m. at the Finnish Brotherhood Hall in Berkeley, California. I would love to meet you in person. Thanks to all of you followers from right here in the U.S. including Alaska. I am beyond excited that there may be a vegan or 2 in Alaska!! And to those of you from around the world who are viewing my blog from the U.K., Australia, Brazil, India, Romania, Mexico, Netherlands and Brunei Darussalam (I had to google that one but I am really thrilled that someone from “the Abode of Peace” in Southeast Asia is following me!) many thanks!! I know you guys can’t join me on Sunday but I will be thinking of you as I compete for the Title!
The Vegan Sammich Throwdown is produced by Karine Brighten Events at the Finnish Brotherhood Hall located at 1970 Chestnut Street in Berkeley. The tickets to attend the competition are only $15 each (day of the event they go up to $20 so get your tix now!) and will provide you with a tasting from all of the chefs – there are currently 7 of us and room for a couple more if you are feeling competitive, sampling of 6 flavors of Genuto – a delicious nut based vegan gelato, a bag of chips from BeanFields, a coconut water from Vita Coco, a cookie from Alternative Baking Company, a chance to win raffle prizes and the opportunity to vote for your favorite sammich (mine) and your favorite new Genuto flavor!

In addition to all the great eats, $3 from every ticket will be given to Factory Farming Awareness Coalition! FFAC’s cause is to end Factory Farming for the good of the environment, the animals, the worker’s rights and our public health. Pretty awesome causes to protect!

I’m counting on you guys to get me to the Winner’s Circle so click the link below to get your tickets now! See you on Sunday.
Tickets to the Sammich Throwdown!