I am excited to say that my 2nd episode on Tout Suite Social Club has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 30th at 6 p.m. PST. Not only will Matt Dominguez, Public Policy Manager for Farm Animal Protection with the Humane Society of the U.S. be joining me remotely from the east coast but local Monica Stevens, Executive Director of Jameson Rescue Ranch, will be joining me live in the studio. Jameson Rescue Ranch is a compassionate, no-kill rescue and sanctuary for homeless and rescued companion and farm animals until they ultimately find a forever home. Jameson Rescue Ranch also collaborates with and acts as a liaison for various animal rescue groups in Wine Country.
The studio is going to be full of compassion and great dialogue so I hope you can join me! Please log onto Tout Suite’s website and using your webcam and mic go interactive. I not only want to hear your great questions and comments but would love to see you too!!
Thanks to everyone who plans to join me live or remotely for episode 2 on Tout Suite Social Club. It has come to our attention that the San Francisco Giants will be playing Game 2 of the World Series that night! I would feel terrible if my interview with Matt Dominguez of The Humane Society of the United States, overshadowed their night so we have decided to reschedule for the good of the team. As soon as the date is confirmed, I will post it for all to see!
I can’t believe that it has been a month since I was invited to host an episode about vegan cooking on the Tout Suite Social Club. I had such an amazing time and was so pleased with all of the support I received from you! The great news is that I have been invited back and will be hosting one episode a month for all of my vegan, vegan-curious and just plain curious viewers.
Just click to watch my first episode!
On Wednesday, October 22nd at 6 p.m. you can join me in person and be a part of the live studio audience. Or you can logon to Tout Suite Social Club and participate in the program. Visit Tout Suite Social Club’s website now, scroll down to “How to join the show” and watch the quick instructional video. To fully participate and go interactive all you need is an internet connection and mobile device with a webcam & mic. It is as easy as that!
There are many different reasons why vegans choose to become vegans – to lose weight, to save the planet, to save their health or to end needless suffering of other sentient beings. You don’t have to know me well to know that I fall into the latter category. I reached a point seven years ago that instead of choosing to look the other direction I stared at the factory farming industry head-on. For me, there was no going back!
Because of this, I am extra excited about my guest, Matt Dominguez. Matt is the Public Policy Manager, Farm Animal Protection with The Humane Society of the United States. Matt was born and raised in northern California, where he spent his childhood on his family’s cattle ranch. He graduated with honors from California State University in Sacramento with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a minor in Philosophy. In 2007 he moved to Portland, Oregon to attend Lewis & Clark’s Environmental Law program but quickly changed his focus and began devoting his time and energy to the Animal Law program after learning about the plight of animals. After graduating from Lewis & Clark law school, Matt joined the Farm Animal Protection Campaign at The Humane Society of the United States and works to expand the number of and scope of laws that protect farm animals from cruelty.
If you are not familiar with The Humane Society of the United States, it is the nation’s largest animal protection organization and is rated the most effective by its peers. Since 1954, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education and hands-on programs. HSUS and their affiliates rescue and care for tens of thousands of animals each year, but the primary mission is to prevent cruelty before it occurs. They are there for all animals, across America and around the world.
I have been donating monthly to HSUS for the last 7 years and have participated in their Humane Lobby Day since 2007. Animal lovers unite and join The HSUS’s lobbyist to share their support for animal protection laws with their state representatives. It is a truly empowering experience and a reminder that when we team together nothing can stop us from making real change!
Matt will be joining us remotely from the east coast to discuss his work with farm animal protection. I hope that you too will logon and go interactive. I very much look forward to your comments, questions and feedback. My philosophy is “the more the merrier!” This will be an amazing and enlightening discussion and I look forward to seeing you there – in person or remotely!
For all of my local friends, Tout Suite Social Club is located near downtown Napa at 68 Coombs Street, Suite L5. The entrance to their studio is at the corner of Ash and Coombs. After entering the campus, you will find Building L located to your left. When you see a silver convertible with a Vegan bumper sticker and Dogma3 license plates, you have reached your destination! Come ready to participate, question and comment. Please add Wednesday, October 22nd at 6 p.m. to your calendar and I will see you there!